
GreenCoLab is involved in several national and international projects related with algal biotechnology.
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GreenCoLab is involved in several national and international projects related with algal biotechnology.
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September 1, 2024

Interregional innovation investments for the piloting, demonstration and scale-up of innovative seaweed/algae-based solutions and ecosystem building

Description Comprising 16 partner entities from 6 EU countries -…
June 1, 2023

Nature-positive aLgae-based fOod, agriCulture, AquacuLture and textIle producTs made in North and Baltic Sea ecosYstems

Description LOCALITY will implement local, innovative, and sustainable value chains,…
January 1, 2023


Description The project proposes the expansion of the Cross-Border Biotechnology…
September 1, 2022

Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift

Description Accelerating the transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins…
July 1, 2022

Pacto da BIOECONOMIA AZUL | WP5 Algae Vertical & WP9 Portuguese Blue Biobank

PBA | Description Defending a new sustainable, innovative and decarbonizing…
June 1, 2022

Reusing Effluents from Agriculture to unLock the potential of Microalgae

Description REALM will transform nutrient-rich drain waters from soilless farms…
June 1, 2021

From Nature to Bedside- Algae Based Bio Compound for Prevention and Treatment of Inflammation, Pain and IBD

Description Algae4IBD's mission is to develop commercial products for Inflammatory…
January 1, 2020

Iberoamerican network for microalgae wastewater treatment

Description RENUWAL was funded by CYTED, an Ibero-American Development Programme…



January 1, 2023

Microalgae hydrolysates to replace animal serum in media for cellular aquaculture

Description Microalgae hydrolysates, a cost-effective source of nutrients, will be…
June 6, 2022

Microalgae as fish health boosters via aquafeeds

Description Microboost is an EEA Grants funded project, which aims…
April 1, 2022

Hiring Human Resources Highly Qualified (SME or CoLAB)

EN | Description Hiring highly qualified human resources for the…
February 1, 2022

INTEGRATE : Integrated Aquaculture, an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area

Description INTEGRATE project will foster a quintuple helix cooperation to…
January 1, 2022

Development of a nutrient solution using by-products of the algae industry in Portugal, with a view to its commercialisation focusing on the indoor plants niche market

Description The SEAWEED2PLANT project aims to create a marketing channel…
January 1, 2021

Solutions to improve growth, induce high value metabolites and detect contaminants to produce novel algal products

Description The main objectives of the ALGAESOLUTIONS project are a)…
January 1, 2021

Establishing high performance algae industrial cultures for the production of biostimulants and functional feeds

Description PERFROMALGAE will mainly focus on the functionality of the developed microalgae-based…
October 29, 2020

Establishment of a pilot scale biorefinery for algae biomass fractionation

Description The ALGAEREFINE pilot scale biorefinery for algae biomass is…
January 1, 2020

Production of High-Value Products from Novel Marine Microalgae using Green Technologies

Description This bilateral project between Portugal and Serbia was funded…
October 1, 2019

Microalgae protein ingredients for the food and feed of the future

Description ProFuture is a H2020 innovation action aiming to scale…
September 1, 2019

Hiring of Highly Qualified Human Resources (CoLAB)

EN | Description Hiring highly qualified human resources for the…