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GreenCoLab Institutional Video
Strain Improvement WG
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Biostimulants & Biopesticides WG
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Chemistry Facility
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Sustainability WG
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Food Nutrition WG
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Biorefinery Facility
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Contaminants WG
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Algae Vertical Docuseries | RTP3 Channel
Supported by “Pacto da Bioeconomia Azul” (Project No. C644915664-00000026) within the WP5 Algae Vertical
SP1a | Innovation in cultivation and production sustainability – Microalgae
SP1b | Innovation in cultivation and production sustainability – Macroalgae
SP1c | Innovation in cultivation and production sustainability – Microbiome
SP2 | New biorefinery models
SP3 | High Value: Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals
SP4a | Food: Sea2Fork – Seaweed ready to eat meals
SP4b | Algae for meat, fish and egg analogues
SP5 | Algafeeds
SP6 | Agriculture
SP7 | Regulation, Market and Extended Dissemination
Algae Vertical Project | Official Movie
How does it happen? We explain!
Videos framed within a RENUWAL – CYTED initiative
Extracting total lipids using accelerated solvent extraction
Cell Disruption using High Pressure Homogenization
Flocculation with chitosan using the Jar test
Flow cytometry to assess cell disruption
Digital Library

Antena 3 | Pedro letras & Leonel Pereira:”Logo se Vê”, Dia do Estudante
RTP | Europa à Porta
RTP1 | “Algas estão a atrair cada vez mais a atenção de investidores e cientistas”