Gabriel Bombo
Culture Collection Platform Manager
About me
BSc’s Oceanography (2017) by University of Vale of Itajaí (Brazil), having a Master’s in Marine Biology (2021) by University of Algarve. Algologist technician by the project ProFuture, from GreenCoLab, where his roles go from bioprospection, identification and isolation of new species of microalgae, establishment and aid in the maintenance of the macroalgae and microalgae culture collection from GreenCoLab, as well as control of culture proprieties and taking part in experiments for selection and improvement of already established strains for consumption. Has experience in HABs (Harmful Algal Blooms) analysis, identification, taxonomy and toxin monitoring in the research group phycology from the University of Vale of Itajai and prospection, isolation and identification of new species in the MARBIOTECH research group, Centre of Marine Sciences, Algarve, Portugal.