About me
Bernardo holds a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Coimbra and an MSc in Biotechnology from Nova University Lisbon. In 2018, he defended his master’s thesis on the heterotrophic cultivation of Haematococcus pluvialis after working on it at the research unit of Allmicroalgae SA. Following his defense, he continued at Allmicroalgae SA as a fermentation technician, gaining extensive experience in the heterotrophic cultivation of microalgae, from lab to industrial scale.
In late 2021, he joined GreenCoLab as part of the PERFORMALGAE project, focusing on the hydrolysis of microalgal biomass. Currently, as a PhD student at GreenCoLab, CCMAR, and CESAM, his work centers on developing novel products from algae biomass through a biorefinery approach, leveraging his extensive experience in microalgae cultivation.