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On April 18th, GreenCoLab had the honor of jointly representing Necton at the third “Jornada de Trabalho” of the ATLAZUL project. The focus of this session was on promoting a cross-border cooperation strategy for Blue Growth in the regions of Algarve, Alentejo, and Andalusia. The event was promoted by CCDR of Algarve in partnership with CCDR of Alentejo and the General Secretariat for External Action of Andalusia, with the support of Fórum Oceano.

Daniel Mendonça Silva, Dissemination Officer at GreenCoLab, was invited to be part of the panel dedicated to “Biotechnology and Algae”. During this panel, he presented a strategic proposal for the cross-border cooperative valorization of the future Circular Economy DEMO Unit planned for the Campus of Gambelas – UAlg.

The “Jornada de Trabalho” session took place in the Auditorium of the Museum of Portimão and was attended by several speakers representing institutions and companies such as Docapesca, IPMA, DRAP Algarve, University of Algarve, CiTUR, CTAQUA, CCMAR, University of Évora, Nautiber, Sopromar, among others.

GreenCoLab’s participation in this event highlights its commitment to promoting sustainable blue growth in the region through cross-border cooperation and partnerships. The company’s strategic proposal for the future Circular Economy DEMO Unit planned for the Campus of Gambelas – UAlg represents a significant step towards achieving this goal.