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The Núcleo Red Multidisciplinary para el Desarrollo de la Larvicultura Marina de Especies con Ciclos de Vida Complejos (INLARVI) of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) recently hosted an Ibero-American event focused on the areas of nutrition and aquaculture feeds. This online event, held on March 21 via Zoom, brought together several specialists in the field.

One of the featured presentations was given by Ana Teresa Gonçalves, fish nutrition specialist, who discussed the  “Desarrollo de alimentos funcionales en hatcheries”. Her presentation provided valuable insights into the current research and development of specialized feeds for aquaculture, particularly those that aim to enhance the growth and survival rates of fish larvae.

This event was organized by the INLARVI, a multidisciplinary network focused on the development of marine larvae of species with complex life cycles. The virtual format allowed participants to engage in lively discussions and exchange ideas about the latest trends in aquaculture feed and nutrition. The event was a great success, providing a platform for experts to collaborate and learn from each other in the field of aquaculture.