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AlgaEurope 2020 Conference: an overview

GreenCoLab was present at the AlgaEurope 2020 conference, held online, during 01-04 December. On this year’s edition, the researchers Daniel Figueiredo (01 Dec), Ana Teresa Gonçalves (01 Dec) and Hugo Pereira (03 Dec) participated in the Conference to present their lastest work and to share their knowledge.

On the first day of conference, 01 Dec, the researcher Ana Teresa Gonçalves presented her work “Algae blends for fish larvae robustness: new feeds on the block”. The results on the effects of algae blends (Nannochloropsis sp and Gracilaria gracilis at 3% and 6%) in Senegalese sole postlarvae microdiets were shown in the Feed section of the congress and revealed the promising character of this nutritional strategy. After 30 days of feeding with the diets with blends, postlarvae had a better growth performance, higher immune response and an overall potentiated antioxidant capacity to cope with the life cycle natural challenges on the early development stages.

On the same day, 01 Dec, Daniel Figueiredo presented his latest developments, during the Process Session: “Using electrocoagulation-flocculation to harvest and enrich microalgae for targeted applications”. Part of his work, as he states, has been dedicated on “harvesting marine microalgae in a cheap and efficient manner. For this we can use electrocoagulation-flocculation with alternative electrodes made of Iron, Zinc and Magnesium. High removal efficiencies and low power consumption can be achieved, and a biomass enriched with minerals may be targeted to feed and agricultural applications.”

On the third day, 03 Dec, in Young Algeneer’s Corner Session, the Innovation Manager of GreenCoLab, Hugo Pereira had the chance to talk about his past and present academic and professional journey, in the algae world, where he overviews about his journey and experience. Importantly, he also presented the GreenCoLab organization, its structure and its global goals.

You will be able to review Hugo’s presentation, from the vimeo video link bellow, starting at minute 23:23s.